Product Description
plus the impeller diameter is trimmed to the customer’s specification for energy saving. In addition to the efficient impeller design, the adoption of ultra-high-efficiency motor (IEC IE3) conserves energy
and reduces the life cycle costs of pumps and CO2 emissions.
This totally optimized design makes CA series a highly eco-friendly general pump.The CA series are available in two types of materials, CAL in cast iron and CAR in stainless steel,
and suitable for wide range of applications from general industry utility, food & drink manufacture, air conditioning system, iron & metal manufacture to chemical plants.
CA is a high efficiency pump which has been created from our historical technology. The CA is an Eco Pump which can save the energy and reduce CO2TECHNICAL DATA
Capacity Q : Up to 600 m3/hr
Total Head H : Up to 100 m
Temperature T : Up to 80 Degree Celsius (standard) and 220 Degree Celsius (option)
Pump Size : DN 32 to 150 mm
– Utility
Co-generation, Air Conditioning System, Waste Water Treatment, Pure Water Manufacturing.
– Iron & Metal Manufacturing
Power Generation Plant, Rolling Plant, Desulfurization Plant, Roll Coolant Plant, Plating Plant.
– Food Industries
Manufacturing Process, Refrigeration System, CIP System.
– Car Industries (Painting Plant)
Degreasing Process, Transformation Process, Electrodeposition Process.
– Garbage Incinerating Plant
Power Generation Equipment, Equipment Lowering the Temperature of High Temperature Waste Gas.
– Other Liquid Handle
Brine, Acetone, Chlorization Calcium, Potassium Chloride, Alkali Liquid, Ethylene Glycol, Nitric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Sal Volatile, Ammonium Solution

Pompa Horizontal Torishima Double Suction CDM merupakan jenis pompa yang banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri. PompaTorishima CDM adalah pompa hisap ganda horisontal aksial digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti tanaman desalinasi air laut, pembangkit listrik, air dan air limbah, transmisi air dan irigasi dll. Suction ganda dan impeller tiga dimensi memberikan persyaratan NPSH rendah dan efisiensi tinggi. Casing Horizontal Pump setengah atas bisa dibongkar tanpa mengganggu pipework. Ini memungkinkan perawatan mudah dan pemeriksaan rutin
Pompa Sentrifugal jenis ini banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri, diantaranya adalah pemadam kebakaran, teknik mesin, air mancur bahkan irigas. Pompa ini memiliki tekanan yang sangat tinggi sehingga bisa diandalkan untuk kebutuhan darurat. Pompa Torishima menggunakan sistem bertekanan tinggi sehingga menghasilkan air dorong jauh , untuk pengairan dan irigasi serta pompa pemadam , pompa air mancur besar dan penggunaan dalam mekanikal teknik. Pompa ini juga dapat mengatur sistem boiler dan sirkulasi air dingin dan air panas kepada mesin sehingga bisa digunakan dari cucian mobil hingga generator air.

Torishima Eta-n Series
ETA.N series are industrial pumps of back pull out design according to JIS B 8313
Capacity | Q | : Up to 620 m3/hr (170l/s) |
Total Head | H | : up to 100 m |
Temperature | T | : -10 to 100 degree Celcius |
Pressure | P | : Up to 10 Bar |
Pump Size | : 32 to 150 mm |